The applying of anesthetic is necessary because lips PMU is a painful procedure. You can find the client who will be able to hold on the procedure, but most part of the clients will suffer during the procedure.
There are a lot of different anesthetics: more often Russian masters use Tattooist, Goochie, TKTX, Dr.Numb, Sustain, Eye anesthetic cream. Last one we use mostly for eyes of course.
As for lips we usually use TKTX cream, as primary anesthesia and as secondary anesthesia. It contains lidocaine with prilocaine in a concentration of 5% and 0.01% epinephrine.
We put it for 15-20 minutes. But the manufacturer recommends apply it for 40-60 minutes before the procedure. Anyway, it works perfectly in both cases.
We apply anesthetic about 4-5 times on average, sometimes less sometimes more. Sometimes much more especially a few days before, a few days after a period and during the period. You will put anesthesia constantly in such days and it helps for some minutes only then clients complain again. You can do nothing with this. Better not to make appointments for such ladies. Just warn the clients about this fact pls.
We already talked about two pigments and you can have a question if we can achieve any result with only two of them.
Usually yes, you can achieve any natural variant of lips colors with these two pigments. If you need not natural variants, of course, you need to add different pigments.
The concept of this mix is a universal couple of pigments that could be taken in different proportions to create pigment for different types of lips.
So this mix can cover most part of cases you'll have except when you would like to achieve some lighter colors of lips than you have initially (then you need not transparent pigment with dioxide titanium like Red cloud or Salmon) or when you would like to achieve very bright color say bright pink-red, bright red or bright cherry colors (then you need American rose, Chinese red or Red cherry colors).
Sienna&Raspberry will allow you to do different variants of calm natural transparent colors but not very bright decorative not transparent colors.
Usually, we make over 4 passes. There is no limitation in quantity, but you should not overwork lips. You'll see this state when trauma is too big. If you traumatize lips too much, they will get rid of pigment during the healing process.
In order to make lips look bigger, we shouldn't use dark colors and should not make contour too bright.
Natural color and soft contour is the best solution for visual volume increasing. The main thing is not to make the biggest mistake which is usually made by many masters: don't go out of natural lip contour. If the client has not enough her own volume, better to send her to cosmetologists to make filler injections. This is the only right solution for a too noticeable lack of volume.
Please look at all the processes of how to do lips. I use the Giant Sun machine we talked about. So you can see all the steps of the procedure.
Now about aftercare:
recommend not to move lips too much, not to scratch them, not to bite them, protect crusts from cracking, for this need they need to be lubricated with a thin layer of vaseline oil when the client feels the contraction of scab during all period till lips have scabs.
There is a lot of contraindications and they, probably, are fully not recorded anywhere. I will try to formulate: any virus and bacterial in an active stage, illness of immune system, autoimmune diseases, state immunodeficiencies, including HIV, a psoriasis, a neurodermite, allergic diseases, cancer diseases, dermal diseases, atypical changes of integuments, including benign and malignant tumors, pigmentation disturbances, including erratic ones, a herpes in exacerbation stages, an infectious, virus allergic conjunctivitis, a diabetes mellitus, a serious illness of internals a renal, liver failure, predilection of a skin to formation of keloids, hemophilia and disturbances of coagulability of a blood, alcoholic drug intoxication, an epilepsy, alienations, hormonal diseases, pregnancy and feeding of a breast, the menses period, also the therapy period of the antibiotics, hormonal drugs, drugs influencing change of coagulability of a blood and many others. If the person is sick and undergoes therapy better to cancel the procedure. In any doubtful situations the procedure can be made only with the written permission of the doctor. In order to defend yourself as master, the client should sign "the written informed consent of the client", where we warn him or her about a process of the procedure, medical contraindications, possible side effects, and the required post-procedural care.
The most often asked question is if we make some tests for allergy reactions. I can say that we don’t do this for everyone, just for people who told about the allergic problems.
Because in order to be sure that a person has no allergic reaction toward any substance you should make scarification in that skin area where there is an accumulation of mast cells. Usually, these are the inner part of the elbow, buttocks, areas behind the ears and so on. Allergologists usually use the inner part of the elbow. This is enough visible place for the testing of pigments. In fact, we can try scarification pigment test only on scalp. But it is not the best area where we could see hyperemia, which is caused by destruction of mast cells with a release of histamine. Actually to have any confidence you should make a test in the right area and you should make a test twice. Only such a test is correct because the first initial penetration of the allergen into the body gives so cold sensibilization that causes the production of antibodies toward this substance. The second penetration of allergen can give a real immune (allergic) reaction. As you see incorrect tests will show nothing, but the correct test is really complicated.
As you understood from different courses and our conversations there are not many variants of decorative solutions for lips PMU. Some of them look almost the same the difference is in the sequence of actions and location of accents. I can show you some pictures. Not all of them are PMU, just look at the principle.
1. Contour with shading. You can see the colorless middle part of the lips. We talked that this variant can be done with 1rl- contour, 3rl -under contour space, then 1 rl- shading from under contour space to the center of lips.
2. Natural effect. It is transparent PMU, having equal color after healing. It should be done completely with a 1rl needle. You can still see the own color of lips, especially in the middle, but it looks almost equally transparent.
3. Lipstick effect. Lips look bright, not natural and not transparent and they have equal color after healing like they were colored with real lipstick. The effect is almost always matt. This technique can be done with such needles as 3rl, 5rl, 7m2 with dense pigments.
4. Classical 3d PMU. You should use 2 colors, from the beginning you use darker color doing contour line with 1rl and under contour shading with 3rl, then change pigment and make lighter shading to the center of lips with 3rl. Both pigments should be dense and not transparent enough to see both colors after healing or else you will get transparent lips with no visible gradient.
5. Full lips filling with the background. The same variant as 1rst with one difference: you can hide the real natural color of lips if they are too cold or dark. 1-make contour with 1rl with the main color, 2- put not transparent background with 1rl or 3rl needle to hide the natural color of lips, usually masters use some variant of salmon color or something like pink brick, 3- make shading of under contour area with the main color and 3rl needle.
6. Lipstick effect, full lips filling with lip light. It can be any of the 1-5 variants, the main idea to do a light line on top of the lip to create the effect of volume for the top lip. This light can be done only with a 1rl needle and only slightly (not like on pic) with pure white color. Better if you do this not simply because the client wants but in order to correct some defect, for example, vessel reaction after herpes (the pink area around lips) or to hide scar, etc.
Just in case to explain why better not to play with this method. It can look like this in some time if you do this quite dense.
7. Lipstick effect with volume highlights in the middle of the lips. You can make PMU with lipstick effect and then put additional light shading in the middle part of the lips to create a plump lips effect. It can be done with pure white pigment with a 1rl needle.
8. Japanese ombre. It is not a transparent technique which should provide you result with white lips outside, bright pink lips inside and the smooth gradient between colors. I don't want to tell you what you should use for this technique :))))) But ok, it can be done with 3rl needle, white-beige mix and bright pink pigment as a lollipop or something like that.
The colorless effect can be asked by a person with "Individuality" motivation or by the person, trying to be different from everyone, (with some complexes)
9. Colorless effect. It can be done with white or beige pigment with a 3rl needle. The technique should provide equal color after healing.
What we should take into account choosing some exact technique: white and beige pigments are invisible for laser, they become more yellow in time, they stay even if all pigments faded down, they will look to mate and will never provide the glossy effect as on pictures.
I should say that all methods with white and beige pigments should be forbidden for all masters till they solve some awful vital problem of the exact person.
So the more natural effect you choose the more naturally it will fade down in time, the better the person will feel before the refresh. The more unnatural effect client and master used the worse music they should face in some years.
I saw real fresh works with Japanese techniques and first what I thought: I would not like to see these works in a couple of years. I think you understand why.
For example, I had a client with "individuality" motivation. We have made such 3d lips:
The inner part of lips was made with very light pigment, outside part of the lips was made with darker and brighter pigment. The contour was done with an acupuncture needle and Giant Sun machine, all rest work was done with a 3rl needle and Giant Sun machine also. The gradient was made with an acupuncture needle again.
The outside part was done with mix Sienna+Raspberry Intenze+ Softap 186. The inner part was done with Red cloud Intenze.
In continuation of the topic with creative lips PMU techniques I would like to convince you to stay mostly in natural lips style. It is especially about dark colors. Dark lips make up is very popular now. Everybody likes to try matt marsala color lipstick. But dark-colored lips usually make women look older and the lips smaller. Something that women don't usually want. We prefer natural lips for most people unless the person is very bright beauty motivated or individuality motivated.
But even for them, the harmony of the face is broken when you have bright eyebrows, eyeliner, and lips as well.
I didn't see any dark tattoed lips which would make the woman younger and more stylish. All lips tattooing make them matt and it is not the same matt color like we see on pictures of makeup works. In addition, dark colors have a tendency to become colder.
So we could expect to get such lips after permanent make up:
But we obviously will get these ones:
So better not to make such experiments. Because if even we get the better results right after healing we get this one in 1-3 years in any case.
I think in any case better always to choose stable natural results.
What to do with such consequences? As I said before when you work with naturally dark lips or artificially done dark lips you cant make them lips looking as baby lips. You should make the removal of PMU and then work with lips as the client wants. You can try to neutralize the purple-blue nuance with a yellow-orange color and cover up everything with dense white containing bright pigment. But you will not be able to achieve any glossy alive natural young lips result. Lips will look like covered with dense matt lipstick maybe with little bit dirty color. So you should always think if to do such a cover-up or not. Because whatever you achieve in such case it will be not what you really would do on clean lips, and you will always be the author of this work, you will never explain anyone that this was not you who can't work with high quality, you will never prove that you saved this person from life with blue lips, you will be so so master for everyone. So you should convince the client to remove all this stuff and then to do the PMU procedure.
Why do I always say that we should generously use orange color? Look, lips and eyes always heal colder (bluer) than the color you choose. Take the Osvald's (or Itten's) color circle and look at what color is located in front of blue.
Orange. You should put it more to neutralize the forecasted cold color.
And the same about the situation if we already have cold color on clients' lips.
This is why so mix very warm mixes to get neutral colors. And one more thing: the deeper you work the more orange you should put in your mix.
We just talked about color theory. It works the same for all zones. You asked how to neutralize red. The reply: with green. Purple can be neutralized with yellow color and so on. Just look at the opposite side of the color circle.
Please, all who have any colors at home take them and try to get neutralization of all colors on paper or making solutions and mixing them.
It is very good training. First of all, you will see the real result of neutralization. It is not clear white how we were taught in school (when we considered light theory on physics subject), it is not black how we were thought in PMU schools (learning color theory). You will see the greyish-brown result. You will feel how proportions affect the resulted color. And then apply everything you do to every exact face area in your mind's eye. And you will know if you will do it in your work or not. Of course, it is not necessary but I ask everybody to do this very much. It will not be lost time for you. Because after it, you will be much more confident in your coloristic decisions in any case with any area.
Color issue of PMU is not the only question of mixing pigments... If to speak about short term effect, when you see incorrect color red or blue brows, or blue lips right after healing, we say that it is mostly technique problem: if the pigment is put deep in a dermis it will look little bit cold right after healing, moreover it will definitely migrate deeper into the dermis in time and will turn bluer for sure because any pigment having laid deep looks grey-blue. The pale red color can appear on brows right after healing because of the trauma of skin. So you see we did not talk about pigments but found some reasons for color transformation.
But of course, from a long term perspective, we should learn what pigments we use and what mixes we make. But again, it is not the only issue of choosing a color, first of all, it is the question of composition and stability of concrete pigment. We can't influence it, because it is the question of stability of the main basic components of pigment, which are mixed by producers. Different basic colors have different stability. It is considered that yellow pigment breaks up easier, blue and red ones break up worse. You will hardly find the detailed information about pigments behavior from chemists of specific productions. And sometimes masters complain about change of color, fluidity, and firmness of pigments which they got used a long time. It means that properties of a pigment depend even on the quality of a specific party of the pigment delivered on the manufacturing plant. One thing is good that the chemists of such enterprises try to control and track the stability of the products and they have special departments making tests are doing focus groups to provide identical stability of different pigments.
Anyway, in order to have a good long-lasting effect every master should look carefully at what base their pigments have, should collect feedbacks and their own history about every pigment they use.
Now I have written all of this just to say if you understand how to get some exact color from basic colors you can make it with watercolors or pigments, you shouldn't repeat coloristic education, you know all about colors. But it has nothing in common with pigments behavior in time, unfortunately.
Because we want to see results even on complex lips. I like Biotouch pure line pigments for lips also, but the retention is much weaker.
I wanted to try to work with Li pigments for lips. I was said by the official distributor that I should not buy lips Li pigments because they have not perfect results after healing. The distributor of these pigments told me this in spite of the fact that she was interested to buy pigments from her.
She said that she buys brow pigments from Li and lips pigments from the Intenze brand because Intenze has the best results for lips. And I agree with her. So I did not even start using Li pigments for lips after such "recommendation".
We can talk about the removal of lips PMU and actually any PMU today. Of course, laser and remover methods should be considered separately.
We just observe these options in general.
There are some options of correction of an unsuccessful permanent make-up:
You shouldn't plan removal if you have no serious complains about PMU, especially if you haven't done necessary touch up after the main procedure of permanent make-up. Because the touch-up procedure will often be able to eliminate a number of defects.
The procedure of touch up can correct the following defects:
In some cases, you can cover up an old permanent make-up with a new one.
There are two options for an unsuccessful permanent make-up removal:
The most popular equipment for this procedure is the neodymium laser - ND: YAG. The wavelength of the emitted light is 1064 nanometers. Thanks to the frequency doubler (KTP), the device works also at a wavelength of 532 nanometers.
laser deletes not all diapason of colors. It is possible to remove red, brown, blue and black colors.
Complete deleting of an unsuccessful permanent make-up requires several sessions (average 3-5 procedures). The interval between procedures shall be at least 1 -2 months.
The procedure of laser permanent make-up removal can be made with anesthesia. The duration of the procedure depends on the volume of the processed area. But, as a rule, the procedure takes no longer than 30 minutes (20-25 for Anesthesia, 5 min to remove). The repeated session should be done in 4-8 weeks. Right after the procedure we can Panthenol cream and make applications during the first days after the procedure. It is also necessary to protect the skin from direct sunshine. New permanent make-up (on the place od laser treatment) is possible only 1-2 months later.
You should take in account that some pigments can inverse their colors, especially red pigments. Red can change color to black after the first procedure. Next procedures should be directed to remove black color. The client should be told about this fact beforehand.
Moreover, you should take in account the fact that green and white colors are invisible for laser and the removal procedures won’t be successful.
You can get red brows after procedures of removers applying. We observe mostly rejuvi results, but my students complained about the same issues of different brands of removers. The clients are usually being accused of bad aftercare in such cases. But in reality, this is mostly such skin reaction on trauma which can stay till 2 months after the procedure. Then the skin completely recovers itself. This is why the master should not be in a hurry trying to do the next removal of PMU procedure. You can coz serious skin damage and scarring. Rejuvi treatment (as laser treatment) never removes bright tattooing from the first time. You usually need to do 2-3 procedures. I can say the same about other brands of removers judging feedbacks from my colleagues and students. So according to all of this, you can see that the correction of bad-quality PMU is a very long process.
This is why we have to try to work in a natural style as much as we can in some exact situation. And as for lips our advice is to choose mostly dusty rose or tender coral colors.
If to say about color combinations, you can always create new recipes for your natural colors. What do these "dusty rose" colors look like? As I told before we usually mix them from Intenze Sienna and Raspberry in different proportions (3:1, 2:1, 1.5: 1) + drop of water. If you look Pantone you should get colors like 178,1785, 1787, 702, 703, 7416. In addition, to achieve the natural look you should use only 1rl needle (better acupuncture).
The best lips colors are not cold not warm they are middle with a light dusty component. In order to understand the concept of the best lips color you can look at Earthy red by Biotouch:
The most part of Softap palette is very natural:
But some colors contain dioxide titanium a little bit more than we would like. So please look at the pigment before use.
Young lips by NPM is perfect for what we call nude lips👆🏻
This is Biotouch color
I like Pure line in little bottles
The 6th sense is a good brand.
This color is dangerous in a pure state. Look the most part pictures "right after" and "healed". Look how colder lips usually heal. Now make this pink intense twice colder and you will get lips of the frozen person. Only white color inside this pigment could save the situation but not much and as a result in some years lips can become white-pale because of white color.
This is the work of one of our students
So looking at the difference between colors "after" and "healed" always remember that you can't choose obviously cold pigments
You can look at the difference between colors at some of your collages thile this. Just remember which pigments you chose and make conclusions about how they behave after healing.
Every our course we have questions about work on scars after operations as cleft lips. Of course, you can work with such lips but of course when you have a lot of experience with usual cases. The particularity of work there is scars on lips, scars on the skin above lips and asymmetrical shape of lips.
You have to build shape correctly and be very accurate at work because you have to work on healthy lips tissue, on scars of the lip, on usual skin above lips and on scars of usual skin, trying to build their lips shape. You will work there with lips color pigment, maybe one pigment, maybe 2-3 different pigments, it depends on pigmentation and longtime vessel reaction of the skin after surgery. All types of tissues I mentioned before will take pigment differently. Usual skin will be colored better than lips skins, scars will take pigment very bad. You have to work on scars differently, sometimes bend needle to skin surface, almost horizontally. And anyway the client can come with uncolored areas and spots after healing. You have to tell the client that you will work carefully with many touch up procedures. In addition, maybe you have to make camouflage of scars above lips if they have different colors and they are too visible. Camouflage technique demands separated study and like all white and beige pigments stay in the skin longer than different pigments and they are invisible for the laser you have to work very transparently and accurately.
Better to take such people if you are really sure as result 1000% because they already struggled too much in their lives and when they come to you they wait for relief but not new issues.
Thank God we have such clients not very often. Usually, the clients come with no big issues like light asymmetry or little scars.
If we have people with big asymmetry please make a conclusion after cosmetologist opinion because it is easier to fill the asymmetrical part of lip with hyaluronic filler than successfully build the shape out of lips tissue.
It is always visible where natural lips vermilion borders are and when you color usual skin you can't create the realistic volume illusion in a different place.
But it's not visible after healing, in fact, 🙈 maybe 5% 😂😂😂
So 3D effect and blah blah blah is just PR for clients or students 😉 and work just a little for already volumetric lips, for thin, flat lips no way.
The same lips after 1 year, no 3D is totally gone after 2-3 month 👋🏻🤝
This is a reality , so do it of cause just a little, because you are professional and you can do it but it's not magic or something extra and not visible after healing.
If someone asks you about 3D
Show her this pic and explain that:
If she understands all this and still wants it. Do it by minerals pigment, not a tattoo, not organic (so it will not turn cold) use 3rl for work facially. Color like a cherry 🍒 will be healed as she wants without dioxide titanium.
With lips I always work with ombré, it means that in the corners color becomes more intensive and in the middle, it's more transparent.
The middle is more transparent and corners and outliners are more intensive but in fact after healing it's not very visible.
We need an ombré effect to make inner border softer because with the open mouth it looks not good.
And as you know we can work only until this line.
Because there is no way to put pigment in this type of skin so if we work by bright color and dense technique without ombré border by this line will be very visible when your client will speak.
So first and very important when you are working with dark skin is understand that 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻we are working deeper then melanin lay 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻
It means that after healing pigment will be located under the melanin lay so immediately after the procedure for example brows can be much darker.
So as you see:
That's why the result of pmu is not always successful and it does not depend on technique or pigments, it depends on the individual reaction of the skin.
Also, the effect can be temporary because skin still can get a suntan and turn to dark at any moment.
So please you need to explain to your client all risks and don't promise 100% results.
And for me better to recommend some other way, like creams or cosmetology procedures it's also effective.
For example video
But if you decide to make it I'll give my advice 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
For this type of lips, you can always offer some coloring in this area
It can look like red, pink, purple or peach in the middle of lips, you can guarantee the result, pigmentation will stay around.
And if you want to cover up pigmentation I recommend to use pure orange color and group needle short/fast movements for the first procedure in these areas.
And then look at how it will heal and if it will heal nicely 👍🏻 please cover-up by color pink or something else.
I recommend using tattoo ink in this case because orange is not stable in minerals pigments.
Ok, as I told on the lecture melanin layer is located more surface then we implant pigment, and dark color after healing is a reaction of the MELANIN layer for traumatic work.
All our work is traumatic because we are using needles and we never know what lips will give you reaction and which one no.
So all we can just try and explain to our clients the risk.
Usually, darkest skin gives you a more hyper reaction.
Like in this case
The color was very dark before it means lips have lots of melanin and after healing color turn to darker because getting a hyper reaction for the trauma.
And on the picture, you see that there is color on lips.
Just it's under the dark and that s why it's not so visible.
It's one more proof that melanin is more surface and there is no way to cover it up by pmu if these cells are very active.
What to do in this case? First, you need to understand that's a temporary effect, it's like a sun tent, this dark color will turn to the same color like it was before the procedure and color of pmu will be more visible it takes about 2-3 months.
The most important moment it does not try to cover up this dark color again by pmu 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻 pmu doesn't help in this case.
Now step by step :
Contour movements are one of the basic movements for lips. Next lesson we will learn how to do it properly.