Сarbon Peeling

Ok, now let’s talk about our third carbon peeling nozzle, which usually comes with a laser.

How is the procedure carried out?

Carbon gel is applied with a thin layer on the skin. Gel consumption is minimal – about 1 ml for the procedure.

Next, we wait until the gel dries, it’s about 3-5 minutes.

When the gel dries up, it sticks together with all the dirt on the skin.

We take a nozzle for carbon peeling, usually, it is black. This nozzle does not contain a lens and you can work with it at any distance, the spot diameter will not change.

But I recommend keeping the nozzle at a distance of at least 15-20 cm because it gets dirty from what flies during the procedure.

Further, power. There is no special danger here, the procedure is painless. The client may feel a slight tingling and warm. Slightly more acute sensations in the areas around the eyes, temporal part, around the nose and mouth. Therefore, there is no danger of burns here. Power can be set to 20-30% of the total power of the laser. The criterion in choosing the power will be the heat and tingling strength of your patient. The main thing that your client was comfortable.

Thus we remove the gel from the surface with a laser.

We wipe the small remains with any cosmetic product.

Next, apply a professional cosmetic mask by skin type. For normal, dry skin – a moisturizing mask, for oily possible mattifying.

After the mask, the final cream is applied either with SPF or moisturizing depending on the skin type.

In general, the entire process of a carbon peeling takes approximately 1 hour.

Frequency 1 time in 10-14 days. The course takes about 5 to 10 procedures. Then just supporting procedures 1 time per month. If you do more often you can get the opposite effect – increased oil, rashes on the skin.

In this way, this procedure is quite good and the client will be very pleased.

What effects will the client get:

  1. Instant skin lightening, like the laser, removes the entire horny layer of the skin and it becomes velvety and lighter.
  2. A sense of well-groomed and fresh

Further effects:

  1. Reduction of oily skin
  2. Removing spots from post-acne (pits are not removed)
  3. Reduction of skin rash
  4. Age skin will be tauter

Attention! Zones where there is a permanent makeup or face tattoo sure to go around, if you accidentally hit them with a laser during peeling, you will get the same effect as when removing.

Moles both during laser removal and during the peeling procedure should be avoided.

It is necessary to work in a mask, preferably in a well-ventilated area, because when carbon peeling, flying ashes are dangerous enough for the respiratory tract.

There are no restrictions after this procedure.