Types of injections and techniques

  1. IED = Intra Epidermal (1mm depth)
  2. IDS = Intra dermal superficial (1-2 mm depth) Nappage epidermal

N = Nappage = multi-pricking technique for cellulite and mesolift

PRP =point by point or papule technique for bio-revitalisation

  1. IDP = Intradermal (4mm depth) for hair loss 3mm by oblique injection
  2. Mesoperfusion (5-6mm depth)
  3. IHD = intra hypodermic (6-13mm depth) for lipolysis +iliolumbar lig. Pain

Mesotherapy is a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that administers a combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc. directly in the inner layer of the skin. Similar principals can be used to administer PRP and PRF among other techniques.

It is important to understand Mesotherapy is a method of delivery and techniques are tools for those methods to be chosen for achievements of particular results on particular skin types. Just like for PMU we select technique, method, needle and pigment for particular skin type for particular results.

Firstly we think only about needle puncture techniques. Needle technique itself provides trauma results which leads to faster regenerative factor, skin tightening and collagen production boost at different levels. This effect will be different to Derma pen effect and different needles used alone with a different depth.

The choice of injection technique determine type needle used and is important to determine the quality of the results obtained.

Depending on the injection site, the pathology treated, the structure of the dermis and the products injected the results will vary considerably according to the technique, power and frequency.

Generally, according to the depth, working from the epidermis to the hypodermis, distinction is made between one of these 3 techniques:

Papule 1 – 3 mm, with bevel upwards. This is a superficial technique, which consists of injecting the product at the junction between epidermis and dermis, peeling epidermis from the basal lamina. The tip of the needle is inserted into the most superficial layer of the skin and a depth of between 1 and 2mm, with the bevel facing upwards. A pale, clearly delineated papule appears at the time of the injection. Its absence is a sign of a poor technique. The papule fades within the space of few minutes and disappears entirely within 30 minutes. This technique is particularly suitable for wrinkles and early signs of aging.

Nappage: 2 – 4 mm, angle of 30-60 degrees. This is a superficial intradermal technique which consists of performing a serious of injections 2 – 4mm apart while continuously maintaining a regular and constant pressure of the plunger. The needle is inserted at an angle of 30 – 60 degree and to a depth of between 2 – 4 mm. The product/medication is deposited on the surface is kept in contact with epidermis for 3 – 5minutes to assist its penetration. There variations of this technique with an epidermal Nappage which consists of applying the product to the epidermis at a depth of less than 1mm.

Point by point: deep injections 4 to 12 mm. This is a deep intradermal or hypodermal injection technique, consisting of separate in junctions at depth of 4 -15mm depending on the area and the indication of the treatment. In aesthetics this is mostly used for treatments of cellulite.