Activity mechanisms of Mesotherapy

Activity mechanisms of Mesotherapy

A few theories have been proposed to explain activity mechanism of Mesotherapy

Dr Pistor, in his Reflex theory, shows, that Mesotherapy interrupts the visceral medullar cerebral path of the lateral-medullar level using stimuli originated at the dermic level. These stimuli are mechanical (needle), physical (micro drops), chemical (drug composition) and pharmacological (specific drug action)

According to Smart Cell concept, meso therapy, using chemical or/and natural products with small doses and required frequency, is capable to produce significant results.

  • Injected medications remain active for longer period of time
  • Local diffusion varies according to the injected substances characteristics
  • Low-weight molecules diffuse through blood vessels and colloids disease through lymphatic vessels

Diffusion and distribution of the medicine is slower through the meso tract than through the rest of parenteral tract.

  1. Drugs are absorbed into the blood or lymphatic system.
  2. Drugs distribution in superficial layers of the skin is slower that in the deep layer of the skin where diffusion is more rapid and has a general and local effect.
  3. Diffusion does not depend on the puncture location but on the meso technique.
  4. Speed of diffusion is inversely proportional to the molecular weight of the medicine/product used.