STEP BY STEP PROCEDURE & How to Turn Free Consultation Into A Booked Permanent Makeup Procedure Right Away!

When you client comes in. Please remember that they are afraid and untrustful of what you are going to do with their eyebrows. Be confident even when you are not. We all started at the very beginning.

TIP #1

Prepare your station with all needed tools for drawing eyebrows.

TIP #2 

Describe to your client of how their procedure will look like. From the beginning to the end.


Ask your client to provide you the photos of the eyebrows they want.


Educate them about what you know about symmetry of the eyebrows and you will be working with a golden ratio rule. Explain to them what a gold ration rule is about. They will start to gain trust in you knowing your craft.


If your client has many wrinkles the golden ratio might not work. You would have to work with natural lines of the face. Ask your client to show you the pictures of how they look when they have makeup. This way you will have an idea of their style. 


Show them pictures and videos of your previous clients. I like to take video reviews. People love watching your client’s feedback after receiving your services! This way you will gain more trust between you and your client.

How to turn Free Consultation Into A Booked Permanent Makeup Procedure Right Away!

I often have clients who call in to ask for the price. Before they want to hang up the phone and call another place. It’s my job to open them up over the phone by asking more questions. This way I am creating a human bridge. Sometimes they don’t understand why Permanent Makeup Procedure is so expensive. They have no idea how much money, blood, sweat and tears we’ve spend by becoming Permanent Makeup Artists. When they are closed to the idea to schedule an appointment right away, I offer them a FREE consultation where I design their new eyebrows. After they see how amazing they look with my drawing, they book a session on the spot.

Here is the video I want to share how I design one side of the eyebrow. After they see such drastic difference. Then I ask them if they want to do a Permanent Makeup Precedure. The always say yes! Right away!