The Golden ratio is a special number found by dividing a line into two parts so that the longer part divided by the smaller part is also equal to the whole length divided by the longer part. It is often symbolized using phi, after the 21st letter of the Greek alphabet.

That's the idea behind the patent recently awarded to inventor Anastasia Soare of Beverly Hills, California, for a “brow mapping technique” that hews closely to the so-called “golden ratio.” The golden ratio is sometimes called the “divine proportion,” or in mathematical terminology, simply phi.

When you see the client, it’s important to discuss with your client how they view themself and what eyebrows do they like? Have all the important tools infront of you to start designing the brows.

Question: What if the client doesn't know what eyebrow style they want?

Answer: Start with a golden ratio rule first.

Before you sit your client and draw her eyebrows. Ask to show you the pictures of her with makeup. Ask does she wants thick or thin eyebrows? Do they want strong arch or soft arch. Educate them first about the golden ratio and the importance of how different shapes affects their personality and how other people view them.

These are the tools you will need for eyebrow mapping and design:

  • Anastasia Beverly Hills Eyebrow Palette - this palette saved me many times, it has all possible shapes to create soft looking brows
  • Angled eyebrow brush - is very important tool to design and brush brows in the direction you need them to goКартинки по запросу Angled eyebrow brush 7b
  • Disposable eyebrow brush - I keep this tool always handy 
  • Basic white thread - for designing brow mapping
  • Brow pencils - additional and equaly important tool to the eyebrow palette. I love small tip pencils by Anastasia of Beverly Hills( dark brown, medium brown, caramel and blond colors) and by Cover Girl ( honey brown and soft brown colors)because they have very good ashy tones for your clients who have very light hair or cold undertown.
  • Chineese marker - I like that it has a very dry consistency and you can sharpen to tip of the marker any way you like(black and brown color)
  • Disposable ruler - life savier for somebody who is just starting over and afraid to lose the shape that you drew

Calipers - a great tool for checking and double checking your client eyebrow symmetry

Картинки по запросу calipers

Question: What if the client doesn't know what eyebrow style they want?

Answer: Start with a golden ratio rule first.

Before you sit your client and draw her eyebrows. Ask to show you the pictures of her with makeup. Ask does she wants thick or thin eyebrows? Do they want strong arch or soft arch. Educate them first about the golden ratio and the importance of how different shapes affects their personality and how other people view them.

These are the tools I like to use when seeing a new client

From the center of your face to the corner of your eyes you find the middle point. This is the point of where the beginning of your eyebrow starts.

Ideal width of the eye is equal to the width of the eyebrow.

The width of the eye = width of the eyebrow

The beginning of the head = 5-7 mm

Less than 5 mm is thin eyebrow

More than 7 mm is thick eyebrows

When we want more feminine soft look we make the arch peak more round.