Lesson 1 – Ombre Brows Technique #1

  • Ok, let's go deeper to Ombre Brows Technique

3RL is less traumatic than the single needle because the single needle goes into the skin like a knife in the butter and it’s difficult to control the right depth with the group needle is much easier because 3 needles can’t go into the skin so easy because of skin pressure.

More group needles working more surface for example 5 or 7 group needlework more surface then 3 by the same reason, that’s why for very thin sensitive skin much easier to work with bigger needles

But at the same time big group needles like 9 or 11 are not comfortable for work because it’s too big especially for the tail area and it gives less retention for example :
1 needle - 80% retention
3RL - 60% retention
5rl -50-40% retention
Etc, so this is much easier to control retention with smaller group needle

So, this made by 3 rl and it’s very good retention, how I like.

  • This is the basic movements of the ombré technique 👆🏻👆🏻👆🏻

We see that this technique have:
- FAST/ SHORT movements
- The hand should have the support and be placed on the face.
- Needle placed at 90 degrees however the angle can be changed.
- Movement of the ''SUPER SHORT pendulum'' in one direction towards to you.
I recommend movements toward, to yourself, it takes much time, but there is no risk of implanting the pigment too deep.
- Position of the hand with pen
- Movement directions of the tool - towards to yourself, the direction of motion parallel to the forearm.

• Skin is tangent
• Machine is radius
• Our movements are CIRCLE

  • And now about technique explanation and common mistakes 😖

But it’s not everything ☺😉 continue

- The position of the device in the hand and the fixation of the brush on the skin is very important so that the handle sits comfortably in the hand and the hand is well fixed on the skin and does not tear. It allows you to adjust the depth of the pigment implantation.
- Most of the movements are made basically by fingers and a little by the hand. it's imitates rowing movements.
You can also compare these movements to the drawing of circles in the air, and needle touches the skin only on the tangent, and the input and output of the needle is carried out, as landing and take-off.
- Equally important is applying the strokes evenly, the distance between them and the distance between the rows.

  • Only towards

Try to do this exercise on the latex, using 3 round liner or 3 round shader needles.