First I fix 2 points
-point if beginner of brow
-and Arch Peak (AP)
There are 2 ways
You can use a scale, find middle of face and then for find beginner of brow 1cm (0,4inch) and for find AP 4.5 cm (1,8 inch) from the middle to left and right
But I prefer to use the eye shape for find this points
The design of eyebrow should start before the inner corner of the eye
And Arch Peak (AP) should be a small distance away after the eye corona
In this moment you will understand that AP of one eyebrow more away from the line of symmetry (central line) For everyone naturally there is small difference in there eyebrow this is connected with shape of persons head skull. We can see it and make improvement.
Eyebrow has 4 STRAIGHT LINES
Without any bending
And the most important. AP (Arch peak) and AB (Arch base) SHOULD BE CLOSER TO each other and with the same distance on the left and right eyebrow.
Now very popular this variant of eyebrows shape. To get this one you just need to move AB more away.
All line in our faces very close to be a parallel so I always start to draw by lower line of brow when I found beginner of brow and AB I'm just look at the face
And understand what I need and then just look at hairs on the eyebrow and check what I can do
Red lines going up and help me to fix inner part of brow before AB
Yellow lines going down and also parallel and help me to fix the tail of brow.
I'm trying to keep maximum eyebrows hairs, so new shape very depended from them and prefer not absolutely symmetrical natural brows, then 100% symmetrical and unnatural brows.
Let's speak about more things about brows shape in examples
Also you need to check heads of eyebrows, they have to be closer to the middle then inner corners of eyes
And direction of eyebrows if you connect head and tail
It have to go up or horizontal, not down like in this case, it happen because heads are to far from each other
Color is too dark and flat (no gradient) that why it looks so fake. I always do a gradient which you call "ombré" this looks more natural.
Even if it's too dark immediately after procedure gradient is our secret for fabulous work.
This example of work one of my student and I want to explain mistakes on this case.
Proportion : 2/3 is body from
Point 1 to point 3 has to be 2/3 of length
And point 3 to point 5 tail is 1/3 of length
It meant that body is very long and tail short.
And in this brows mark in one place but in fact arch pick is here because arch pick is the point where eyebrows change the direction and goes down.
I push nobody and it’s just my opinion, this is classic shape and I highly recommend to learn this shape because it match everybody and doesn’t depend of fashion, it’s about lifting effect and this is a basic knowledge.