Lesson 5 – Practice Lesson #2

Do exercises with C shape and S shapes.

Then when you will feel confident you can start the next level – a combination 👍🏻 I will show you my favorite exercises to improve skills.

Just do these exercises on a paper and in this video, I showed the way to make your hands get to use with hair strokes movements.

Practice as much as you need, try to combine different combinations of C shape and S shape styles,

Make them shorter or longer, straighter or curvier 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻 

After you will feel comfortable enough with this, you can try to create the full pattern, start from simple and then more and more interesting😘

This is my favorite patterns which I regularly use in my practice

And my favorite one ♥♥♥

I want to give you more one more time recommendations for hair strokes patterns